Registry owner and contact information

Mangust group Oy (Business ID:)
Korkeavuorenkatu 27
00130, Helsinki
You can ask more about our privacy policy and personal data processing by email:

What data we collect

We collect information given by the user; data detected when using our online services; and data tracked by a web analytics provider.

Information given by the user includes the user’s name and contact details (address, email and phone number) as well as payment details.

Data collected while using our online services as well as the data collected by the analytics service include the user’s shopping history, e.g. purchased products and price details, delivery information, such as the delivery method and delivery address, data on using and browsing the online store, IP address, browser identification information and product reviews.

How we use your personal data

We use our customer registry to supply an easy and secure service; to help our customers in the best possible way; and to improve our customer service and online store.

We use personal data to deliver, process and archive orders; to communicate with our customers; to create targeted content and marketing; for statistical purposes; and to prevent misuse. We will not sell or hand over your personal data to any third parties.

Technical identification data tracked by Google Analytics is not used for marketing purposes; it is used solely for monitoring and improving the functionality and usability of the website and for anonymous statistics. We will not sell or hand over to anyone else the data collected by the analytics service.

How we store and protect your data

The register is handled with care, and the data processed with information technology is protected appropriately. When the register information is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital information security of the equipment is appropriately taken care of. The register owner will ensure that the stored data and access rights to the servers and other information critical to personal data security are handled confidentially and only by such employees who are required to do so as part of their job.

How long we store your data

Your personal data will only be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes of the personal data processing defined in this privacy policy statement.

Your rights to your data

As our customer, you have the right to know what personal data is being processed by us. You may also request your personal information to be corrected or removed. The right to have your data removed does not apply to such personal data that we are required to store for website administration, legal or data security purposes. You may request to limit or object the use of your personal data under certain conditions.

You may make a request concerning your rights by sending email to: You may unsubscribe from our newsletter whenever you want via the link on the newsletter.


We use “cookies” on our website. A cookie is a small piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. Cookies do not harm your device or files in any way.

Cookies are used mainly to enhance and adjust the user’s visit on the website and to analyse and improve the functionality and content of the website. Data collected by cookies can also be used for targeted communications and marketing as well as for optimizing marketing operations.

Data collected by cookies may be used in conjunction with other information given by the user, for example, when filling in a form on our website.

Third-party content

The articles on this website may contain third-party content (such as videos, images, articles, etc.). Opening such third-party content is the same as visiting the website of the given third party.

Third-party sites may collect personal data, use cookies, use third-party tracking cookies and monitor your interaction with the given content, including monitoring interaction if and when you are signed in as a user.